EPA Self-Audit and Inspection Guide
Organic Finishing of Metals

Table of Contents

Electrostatic Spraying: Regulatory Requirements

The Clean Air Act regulates the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (40 CFR Part 60) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) (40 CFR Part 61 and 40 CFR Part 63), and provides specific standards of performance to control emissions from various types of coating operations (40 CFR Part 60). Depending on the solvent content of the coating material used with electrostatic spraying methods, atomized solvents can evaporate and produce sufficient VOC and HAP emissions to subject an operator to major source requirements and Title V permitting requirements.

Painting and solvent cleaning processes are regulated by federal rules that are implemented by state agencies. These regulations limit emissions from operations, such as those coating metal furniture, miscellaneous metal parts, plastic parts, autos, trucks, boats and large appliances. Coating facilities affected by these regulations need to obtain permits, control and monitor air emissions, and submit reports. Use This PCRC Tool to determine which regulations and standards apply to your operations.

Controlling VOC emissions from spray areas can be completed in several ways. First, a coating material with a lower VOC content can be used. Second, a spray system with higher transfer efficiency can be used, such as air-assisted airless or rotary electrostatic spraying techniques. Third, air pollution control equipment can be attached to the ventilation system to capture VOCs prior to their release into the atmosphere.

As part of the Clean Water Act, Effluent Guidelines and Standards for Metal Finishing (40 CFR Part 433) have been established that limit concentrations of toxic organics in wastewater streams. The organic solvents often contained in liquid coatings used with electrostatic spraying application methods may be classified as toxic organics. These materials can enter the wastewater when removing coatings from containers or equipment. Actual limits for effluent constituents are dependent on the size of the operation and the amount of wastewater generated from the facility. If the facility discharges directly to receiving waters, these limits will be established through the facility's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit (40 CFR Part 122). Facilities which are indirect dischargers releasing to a POTW must meet limits in the POTW's discharge agreement. Wastewater streams with concentrations exceeding permit limits will require pretreatment prior to discharge to receiving waters or to a publicly owned treatment works. Pretreatment may include separation of liquid wastes to remove solvents, and settling or precipitation of solid materials.

Solid and Hazardous Waste
Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), organic finishing facilities are required to manage listed and characteristic hazardous wastes (40 CFR Part 261). Liquid coatings used with electrostatic spray application methods may contain constituents listed or characterized as hazardous wastes. Materials contaminated with the coatings, such as spray booth air filters, masking materials for booth light fixtures and floors, and rags or containers used for cleaning, may require treatment as hazardous waste depending on their formulation. Hazardous waste management (40 CFR Part 262) includes obtaining permits for the facility in order to generate wastes, meeting accumulation limits for waste storage areas, and manifesting waste containers for off-site disposal.

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) requires facilities to notify employees, customers and the surrounding community of certain hazardous chemicals and materials (40 CFR Parts 355 and 370) that are present on-site. Electrostatic spraying operations may use hazardous materials in sufficient quantities to subject a facility to several EPCRA requirements. Facilities may be required to inform the local emergency planning committee (LEPC) and the state emergency response commission (SERC) of the materials stored and used on-site, devise emergency response plans for reacting to spills, and notify authorities of accidental spills and releases (40 CFR Parts 302 and 355). The materials used with electrostatic spraying methods may also require facilities to submit Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for these materials to state, regional, and local organizations, while disposed volumes of the material may have to be documented on annual Toxic Release Inventory reports (40 CFR Part 372).

Health and Safety
While not directly regulated by the EPA, several conditions exist that should be considered when using spray application methods. Workers should be aware of their responsibilities when handling coating materials during equipment preparation and cleaning activities. Workers should also know the risks associated with inhaling the respirable coating and VOC particles in atomized sprays. Finally, workers should be trained properly to avoid accidents and injuries when working with electrostatic spray equipment, especially the probability of electric shock.


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