Environmental, Regulatory and Industry News

All hazardous waste SQGs are required to re-notify EPA or their state environmental agency of their hazardous waste activities by September 1, 2025.2024-12-06

The 2016 Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule finalized a requirement for all small quantity generators (SQGs) of hazardous waste to re-notify EPA of their hazardous waste activities every four years. The next re-notification is due September 1, 2025. [ full text ]

EPA Administrator Zeldin Celebrates First Month of Trump Administration Accomplishments2025-03-02

The newly announced Powering the Great American Comeback initiative consists of five pillars that will guide the EPA’s work over the first 100 days and beyond. [ full text ]

Toxic Release Inventory Pollution Prevention Data Provides Insights to Metal Finishers Successful P2 Programs.2024-10-31

STERC analyzed recent TRI data (2023) to observe what metal finishing facilities are doing in terms of P2. What stands out from this analysis is that waste reduction progress is not complicated. In most cases, it involves: Communications (e.g., team meetings),Employee training, and, Process monitoring/control. [ full text ]

Lee M. Zeldin Sworn in as 17th EPA Administrator2025-01-30

On January 29, 2025, Lee Zeldin was sworn in as the 17th Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Administrator Zeldin will work closely with the dedicated career officials at the agency to fulfill the agency’s mission to protect human health and the environment. [ full text ]

EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin to Unleash American Greatness as Head of EPA2025-02-03

Administrator Zeldin is committed to maintaining and expanding the gold standard of environmental stewardship and conservation that President Trump set forth in his first administration while also prioritizing economic prosperity. [ full text ]

Final EPA rules ban all uses of trichloroethylene (TCE) under TSCA2024-12-10

TCE is used as a solvent in consumer and commercial products such as degreasers, brake cleaners, sealants, lubricants, adhesives, and paints and coatings. [ full text ] 

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