Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
by Ron Joseph
September, 2004
Painting over Stucco - (Cement Plaster)
Q. We have installed a new brick fence which has been concrete plastered with a sponge finish. It is now ready to be painted but we need a paint specification. What treatment is needed on the cement plaster before painting? How should it be sealed and should a heavy body paint be used?
It sounds as if you might be looking for a paint for stucco, contact the people that supplied to the concrete plaster material to you and ask them if they have any specific recommendations for a paint to apply over the "sponge" finish.
You may have to neutralize the concrete material that is used. Contact your local specialty paint supplier and discuss your situation. Ask them for any specific product and application recommendations that they may have. Be certain to explain in detail what material it is that you intend to apply paint on.
The concrete material maybe neutralized with a mild acid solution, then rinsed thoroughly with water. Be certain to allow the concrete material ample drying time. Then proceed with the recommended coating system.
Please be aware that paints, coatings and solvents are chemicals and therefore you should always pay attention to proper handling procedures and be prepared to wear protective clothing, such as respirators, gloves, coveralls, etc. For further information on the health and safety requirements for the coatings and solvents you wish to use we strongly advised you to contact your local coating supplier. If possible, go the extra step and look for this information on the website of the product vendor.
Acid etching: You MUST insure that you are properly protected with goggles, acid-resistant gloves and proper clothing so that you don't injure yourself. For similar reasons, please insure that you keep others away from this process.
Jim Burke