Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

October, 2010

VOC Compliant

Q. It is funny but we can not find on google what the definition of "VOC Compliant" is? What does that term mean exactly?

A. "VOC Compliant" means that the paint you use meets the maximum permissible requirements of your state VOC regulations. In California the VOC limit might be 2.8 lbs of VOC per gallon of paint for an industrial topcoat. Therefore, if you live in California and your paint has a VOC of say 3.0 lbs/gal it is not compliant. On the other hand in another state, such as Illinois, the VOC limit for the same paint might be 3.5 lbs/gal. Therefore, the same paint at 3.0 lbs/gal would be compliant in Illinois.


Ron Joseph

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