Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

October, 2008

Imron Paint

Q. I have a gallon of Dupont Imron 326 326-y-67633. It requires VG-Y-511 Activator. To be thinned with Y-32035 or 397905. What activator can I use? Is any of these products available? Thank You.

A. You must use the activator suggested by DuPont. When the paint chemist formulated the Imron, he/she calculated exactly how much activator should be added to the base material so that you will get a full cure. You cannot use a substitute because the chemical reaction between another activator and the Imron base material will not necessarily be complete. If you do use a substitute activator, the Imron might not cure properly, It might be too soft, or too brittle, loose its gloss, and suffer any of several other defects.

You should be able to purchase the DuPont materials from an automotive paint store.


Ron Joseph

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