Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

October, 2006

Air Flow Testing in Paint Spray Rooms

Q:I would like some information on companies that test the air flow for open spray booths. We spray paint & stains on wood veneer products. Our insurance company needs us to provide some type of testing results.

A:  You can perform the test yourself.  Simply purchase an inexpensive anemometer (go to E-Bay or enter velometer or anemometer into Google).   To measure the air velocity hold the anemometer so that the air can pass through horizontally towards the filters of the paint spray room.  Stand in various locations inside the room, especially where the painters normally stand when they perform their job. According to OSHA the average air velocity should be >100 ft/min for the type of paint spray room to which you are referring. But rather than use the 100 ft/min number suggested above, I suggest that you ask your insurance agent to tell you what velocity he/she expects.

Best wishes,

Ron Joseph

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