Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

October, 2004

Food Grade Paint

Q. What food grade paint do I need to paint sap tanks

I recommend that you contact the people at your local Sherwin-Williams store. Speak to someone familiar in their Chemical Coatings Group. Ask them specifically about FDA (Food and Drug Administration) quality coatings. You won't find these coatings at a conventional hardware store.

There are several paint companies that manufacture paints for this type of an application. Sherwin-Williams maybe the easiest and most convenient location for you to get the proper paints.

Tell them precisely what your intentions are, tell them what the tanks are made of, and ask for specific product recommendations and procedures. The good folks at the your local specialty paint distributor should have all the products and information that you need to paint the sap tanks with an FDA approved coating.

Please be aware that paints, coatings and solvents are chemicals and therefore you should always pay attention to proper handling procedures and be prepared to wear protective clothing, such as respirators, gloves, coveralls, etc. For further information on the health and safety requirements for the coatings and solvents you wish to use we strongly advised you to contact your local coating supplier. If possible, go the extra step and look for this information on the website of the product vendor.


Jim Burke

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