Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

October, 2004

TT-C-490 Surface Preparation Certification

Q. Who do you contact to get your pretreatment system certified. We have TT-C-490D certification and are trying to get certified to RevE, but do not know who to ask. It has been over 20 years since we met the requiremtns for D on a specific contract.

I forwarded your question to the Army Research Labs and received a very clear and definitive reply from Chris Miller. Here it is

"TT-C-490 is procedurally driven and was meant to be included in purchasing documentation. There are cleaning requirements to prepare a metal surface for zinc phosphate or DoD-P-15328 and requirements for coating thickness and performance contained in the document. There is also a requirement for the contractor to prequalify their process prior to being allowed to use that process to manufacture parts. As such, much of the responsibility for assuring that a vendor (or contractor) is providing a good surface for accepting organic coatings falls to the procuring activity. Apart from that, it would seem that there is no "official" certification procedure for TT-C-490. By that I mean that Company X cannot come to a single entity within the Army (like the Coatings Team for CARC) and become qualified to sell zinc phosphate coatings to the Army."

Robert, if you don't have a means to self-certify your process, consulting my firm will be able to assist you. If you are interested please call or write.

Best wishes,

Ron Joseph

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