by Ron Joseph
October, 2003
Amending Air Permits
Q. How difficult is it to get an Air Quality Permit changed, in such cases
for example, a major piece of eqiupment breaks down and needs to removed from
all processes. Though the Air Quality Permit was issued under the regulation
that this epuipment works. Can you request to have an issued permit changed
to account for broken equipment no longer being used.
A. It depends on the state in which you reside. Some states are more stringent
than others. Also, it depends on the piece of equipment and what has gone wrong
with it. Are you intending to take the equipment out of your facility altogether
or are you intending to simply leave it in place but not use it? Do you intend
to replace it with something that works? Will the nonfunctioning equipment have
any effect on emissions? As you can see, there are several questions that can
be asked before making a determination.