Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

October, 2003

Permits for Expanding Paint and Printing Facility

Q. I am the President of the Quitman-Brooks County (GA) Chamber of Commerce. A manufacturing company in our county is planning to expand their facilities to include automated painting and lazer etching components. The company has asked me to assist in gathering information on permits, etc. Some of the products that will be used will include:

Acrylic Resin Paint Thinner (Planet Thinner # 772)
Acrylic Resin Paint Thinner (Planet Thinner # 772 NO2)
Acrylic Resin Paint Thinner (Planet Thinner # 260)
Acrylic Resin Paint Thinner (Planet Thinner # 260 NO3)
Acrylic Resin Paint Thinner (Planet Thinner # 210)
Acrylic Resin Paint Thinner (Origin Thinner # 210 NO2)

I would appreciate some guidance in helping this company.

A. Thank you for your email. There are several small and large environmental consulting firms in Georgia that can assist you in obtaining the necessary permits. While I am able to do the work, I would need to research the permit regulations for your county, whereas local firms already have this information on-hand. To prepare the permits you will need to provide considerably more details, such as how much of each product will be used on a daily or monthly basis, how it will be applied to the substrate, etc. If the company is small, there is a possibility that it is currently, and will be in the future, exempt from regulations. On the other hand if it is large, then you will need to check that existing permits are in place (if required).

This project can be simple and easy to complete if the company has no existing violations, but it can be more complex if the company has never before applied for permits, but should have.

If you don't find an appropriate local consulting firm, please don't hesitate to call me and I will be happy to help out.

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