Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

October, 2002

EPA Compliance of Paint Spray Booths

Q. Where would I find the current state and EPA clean air requirements for a spray paint booth? Who is authorized to declare that a paint booth is in compliance?

A. If your paint facility has been issued a permit for your spray booth, then the permit conditions will state exactly what is required. On the other hand, if you don't have a spray booth permit, then either you should get one from your state agency, or perhaps you are exempt from needing one. You will need to check on this. OSHA, and not the EPA has very stringent requirements on spray booth design, airflow, and other parameters, and you do need to be in compliance with those requirements. You can find these on the OSHA website under regulation 1910, and also on the National Fire Protection Agency website, in bulletin NFPA-33.

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