by Ron Joseph
November, 2005
Repairing Epoxy Coating on Concrete
Q. I have a driveway that has been previously painted with an epoxy type concrete
paint, which is now flaking up in some spots. I've used a power washer to clean
off all dirt and loose paint. What else do I need to do to prepare this surface
for repainting? A. I suggest that in the areas where you want to repair the damaged coating,
you should scuff sand or abrade the old epoxy to remove any oxide that has formed.
Apply your fresh epoxy concrete coating immediately thereafter. Do not wait
for more than a few hours before you apply the epoxy, because these coatings
form an oxide as soon as they are exposed to sunlight. The better the surface
prep (by abrading or sanding) the better will be the adhesion.
Where you are applying the epoxy over exposed concrete, the concrete MUST be
thoroughly dry. If you have already power washed the concrete then you should
be able to apply there epoxy directly to the surface.
Ron Joseph