Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
by Ron Joseph
November, 2004
List of Non-exempt VOCs
Q. I was wondering if there is an online source for a basic list of non-exempt VOC compounds that could be used in estimating the VOC in products? Thank you for your help!
By default, all solvents that are not on the exempt list are VOCs. Therefore, there is no list since ALL volatile organic compounds that are not considered to be exempt are by definition VOCs.
Your best bet is make a list of the most common solvents in paints and thinners and go from there.
From your question it seems as if you are looking for a way to estimate the VOC in the paints you are using. If that is so, then I suggest that you DON NOT estimate these values as this approach can get you into trouble ... fines of $10.000 per incident. You need to find the actual VOC from the MSDS or from the label on the can of the coating. If you add thinners to the paint before using it, you need to calculate the VOC of the mixture. Estimating is not good enough!
If you would like me to help you perform these calculations for you, please don't hesitate to get back to me. I do charge a consulting fee, but perhaps if your list of products in not very large, it would not take too much to do the work.
Best wishes,
Ron Joseph