by Ron Joseph
November, 2004
Coating on Concrete Paint
Q. I painted a floor black and white checks. What should I put on it to keep
scuff marks down, or how do I clean scuff marks? The paint is silicone acrylic
stain. We suggest you visit the paint supply store that provided the black and white
floor paint. You will need a clear top coat product that is compatible with
the colored paint. The object is to apply a layer of either clear emulsion or
varnish as a barrier coat to protect the colored floor paint.
About removing the scuff marks, use a mild detergent, let it soak into the
scuff for five minutes, then scrub with a soft cloth until the scuff marks are
removed. Don't rub too hard as to remove the floor paint.
When preparing any surface for the application of paints or coatings, be certain
to take precautions to protect against breathing in any air borne dust particles
or debris that may be created by the prep work.
Please be aware that paints, coatings and solvents are chemicals and therefore
you should always pay attention to proper handling procedures and be prepared
to wear protective clothing, such as respirators, gloves, coveralls, etc. For
further information on the health and safety requirements for the coatings and
solvents you wish to use we strongly advised you to contact your local coating
supplier. If possible, go the extra step and look for this information on the
website of the product vendor.
Jim Burke