by Ron Joseph
November, 2003
Measuring Viscosity of Lacquers Q. What are the most popular types of viscosity cups for pre and post catalyzed
lacquers, conversion chart types and can you explain how to use?
A. The most popular viscosity cup for low viscosity lacquers are Zahn Cups.
You must select from Zahn #1, #2, #3 or #4 depending on the viscosity of the
coating. The method is very simple indeed. You simply submerge the cup in the
coating. Using the handle that is attached to the cup, raise the cup up above
the coating and start a stop watch. The coating will drain out from the orifice
at the bottom of the cup. Stop the watch as soon as the stream of coating breaks
for the first time. That is the viscosity measured in seconds. Therefore, you
might quote the viscosity as, for instance, 22 seconds on a Zahn #2 cup. A thicker
coating might have a viscosity of 35 seconds on a Zahn #2 cup, and an even thicker
coating might require say 25 seconds on a Zahn #3 cup.
Very low viscosity liquids are measured on a Zahn #1 cup, but the higher Zahn
cup numbers are for fluids of ever increasing viscosity.
Zahn cups can be purchased from