by Ron Joseph
May, 2005
Stripping of Epoxy Paint Q. We have just finished construction of a concrete block building, and the
interior walls have been painted with epoxy paint within the last 10 days. The
worker who is going to paint a mural on one of the walls now decided that he
needs a smooth surface. Short of stripping the paint, is there anything we can
do to make plaster stick to epoxy paint? If it needs to be stripped, do you
have a recommendation on the type of paint stripper?
A. Stripping of epoxy paint is difficult at best especially if you use chemical
strippers. The alternative to chemical strippers is abrasive blasting and various
abrasives will do the job. This is costly and might generate lots of dust.
I am not aware of any method for applying plaster to an epoxy surface with
any sort of guarantee hat it will work.
Sorry, but that's the best I can offer.
Best wishes,
Ron Joseph