Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
by Ron Joseph
May, 2004
Food Grade Powder Coating
Q. I am importing vibratory motors from europe that are used on food making machinery in the USA. The motor supplier says he has "Food Grade" paint approved by European Regulations. How do I find out if this coating it is OK to use in the US according to FDA regulations?
Is there any reciprocity on regulations between Europe and the US? Thanks for your help ...
A. I am uncertain if the "Food Grade" European regulations are accepted here in the United States. I recommend that you investigate this information directly with the FDA. You can access their web site at
Depending on who the coatings supplier is in Europe, they may also have had the coating approved by the U.S. FDA. I know Dupont, for one does in fact have FDA coatings available. I don't know if they are available for use in Europe. You can find more information about Dupont's powder coatings by going to
Jim Burke