by Ron Joseph
May, 2004
Enhance Strobe Light Effect Q. My question is this. I have a strobe light that operates on 1 "c" cell battery.
It has a clear plastic dome covering this strobe light (Dome=1.5H"X 2"dia),
and at night it is quite visible. However, during the daylight hours it visible
at close proximity only. I would like to know if there's a way to coat this
dome to enhance the visibility a little bit more during daylight hours, and
still provide good visibility at night? Thank You
A. Rather than coating the clear plastic dome with a paint, try using a colored
plastic sheet material; such as cellophane used to wrap candies, etc.
How about coloring the light? Using plastic model paint, add some thinner to
the paint to make it transparent. You can choose any color to experiment with.
Best regards,
Tom Burke