Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
by Ron Joseph
March, 2008
CARC Application
Q: We are encountering paint adhesion and rust problems specifically to newly prepped steel surfaces. After grit blast we treat steel surface with ospho, apply Berger etch primer luxaprime 1500, then prime with Epilflex 1000, finally Epilux 44 Carc. Are these paints and primers compatable? It appears layers are not adhering to Ospho primer.
A: I don't know the names of any of the products you mentioned as they are not commonly used in the military community. However, it appears that you might be applying a phosphoric acid pretreatment to the grit blasted steel and then you apply an zinc phosphate over the Ospho. Is the Berger Luxaprime 1500 a regular primer or an etch primer? If it is an etch primer, you might have to much unreacted acid at the interface. Moreover, why are you using both the Ospho and the Luxaprime? In all probability you can eliminate the Ospho altogether and apply the Luxaprime directly to the grit blasted steel, preferably with 24 hour after blasting. I suggest that you try this and see if it solves your problem.
Please get back to me with your results as I am interested.
Ron Joseph