Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

March, 2005

Matching Texture of Powder Coatings and Liquid Paints

Q. I have a specification for Grey Semi-Gloss # 26081 FED-STD-595 Sandy Texture. We are trying to reference the texture to some standard or paint chip. I am told FED-STD-595 is only for color and gloss (don't have actual spec). What spec should I reference to validate/inpect for Sandy Texture?

A. I have never seen a specification for texture finishes. Fed. Std. 595 is solely a color and gloss specification and assumes that you are using a smooth finish. Your customer should provide you with the texture he desires and then have you match it. Alternatively, you should select a range of textures from your powder coating supplier and ask your customer to select the quality he prefers.

Bear in mind that if you select the texture from one supplier you might not be able to match it with that of another supplier.
I hope this helps.
Best Wishes,

Ron Joseph

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