Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

March, 2004

Federal Standard Colors 595a

Q. I'm looking for a paint specification 44275 and 44725... If you could help please,

A. It sounds as if you are looking for two colors, Fed Std 595a, is that correct? If so, these are federal standard colors in the US, much like the Bureau of Stands has its standard colors for South Africa. If I'm correct, then you should speak to the folks at Plascon-Evans or Dulux in Johannesburg, and especially speak to their architectural paint tech person. If you want to see what the colors look like, then you would need to purchase a set of sample color cards from the US Government Printing Office. Search the web for Federal Standard 595a colors.

If you are not referring to color specifications, then unfortunately I can't help you as I gave never heard of them.


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