by Ron Joseph
March, 2003
Painting Concrete Blocks - Chemical Coating
Q. We are building a new horse stable with concrete block walls. What type
of paint would be best suited for this? And do we need to prime the walls first?
A. In answering this question I am assuming that you are painting concrete
blocks that are fully cured.
When painting the block walls I am assuming that you are painting the interior.
If so then yes I do recommend using a primer prior to applying a top coating.
By using a "moisture block" primer it will seal the block walls and
keep moisture from seeping into the interior area and give a great foundation
surface for painting.
After the application of the primer, the use of a high quality full gloss epoxy
top coat will give you the protection, and durability that you need. The epoxies
are used for interior applications such as these where high moisture may occur
and, for their ability to resist soils and chemicals. Epoxies are also known
for their excellent adhesion qualities. The full gloss will allow for easy cleaning,
and maintenance.
Check with your local paint supplier to determine the products that would
be best suited for this type of job
Please be aware that coatings and solvents are chemicals and therefore you
should always pay attention to proper handling procedures and be prepared to
wear protective clothing, such as respirators, gloves, coveralls, etc. For further
information on the health and safety requirements of the coatings and solvents
you wish to use we strongly advised you to contact your local coating supplier.
If possible, go the extra step and look for this information on the website
of the product vendor.