Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

June, 2009

Issue with Paint Before Assembly

Q. I have a problem with paint before assembly, the issue is as follows:

Could you please provide me some suggestions and counter measures to improve the process.

Any suggestions or ideas with greatly appreciated.

A. I don't know enough about your process to be able to give you much helpful advice. For instance, I don't know why you are having so many issues with damage from material handling.

Are you using a hard, abrasion resistant topcoat, such as a two-part polyurethane? Although such coatings reduce damage, they are not foolproof and some touch-up is still required.
You might consider applying a soft rubbery strippable coating to all parts immediately after they are painted. If you select an appropriate coating it will withstand most scratches during the assembly process. I have seen such coatings used with limited success. They are able to prevent screw drivers and other tools from scratching through to the decorative topcoat. One problem that can arise is that assembly workers often like to pick away at the coating, removing small pieces one at a time. They don't do this maliciously, but it's a nervous habit, such as when they are talking to someone else, or talking on a cell phone, etc.
Applying the additional rubbery coating adds to the cost of the final product. In addition, there is a cost associated with peeling off the coating after assembly. Finally, even the rubbery coating won't totally eliminate the need for touch-up painting.
I am very familiar with painting processes and if you would like me to visit your facility to see what other measures can be taken, please get back to me.


Ron Joseph

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