Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

June, 2004

Color Matching Problems

Q. We use an X-rite spectrophotometer to measure color match in our film printing process. The process parameters have several values that set a 3 dimensional eliptical shape of acceptance for the match. It is called the CF or Commerical Factor level. Is there a point where the commerical factor number become too wide to imply a match?

A. Thank you for your e-mail. The question is very interesting but a little outside my field of expertise. I do know of a color expert, Josh Weisberg who has written three books on color matching and apparently it specifically deals with the type of problem you are referring to. I have a copy of one book in my own library but I know that you can purchase the books from The title of the book I have is: "The GATF Practical Guide to Color Management" by Richard Adams II and Joshua B. Weisberg.

I hope this will help you solve your problem.

Best wishes,

Ron Joseph


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