by Ron Joseph
July, 2004
Camouflage Paint Coatings - Pantone Colors
Q. I would like to know which Pantone colors refers to the green camouflage
print used in the military?
A. Thank you for your e-mail. I'm not overly familiar with the Pantone color
range but I have to believe that none of the colors match the military camouflage
paints. Camouflage colors are not only formulated so that they blend visually
with the environment, but special pigments are chosen so that when an object
such as a military vehicle is viewed through infrared night scopes the color
will also blend with the environment. This latter requirement is critical since
reconnaissance aircraft should not be able to pick up troop movements. Normal
colors that you will get on a Pantone color chart or any other commercial color
charts might be able to match a camouflage color, visually but not when viewed
in the infrared spectrum. Therefore, camouflage paints are available only through
a handful of carefully approved paint vendors.
I don't know what prompted your question but if you require paint that needs
to satisfy military specifications you will need to purchase them off a Qualified
Products List (QPL) issued by the army.
Best wishes,
Ron Joseph