by Ron Joseph
July, 2003
Paint Spray Booth Air Velocity Q. At what height should the velocity be checked from the base filter in a down
draft system and what should be the ideal value be for that velocity?
And, one more question:
Can we increase the air velocity by increasing the CMH (or cfm) inside the paint
booth? As I have noted, for a given space different manufactures give
different CMH blowers. The paint booth with a higher CMH value give a higher velocity inside the booth
and a better overall performance.
A. The air velocity should be measured at the same height as the painter's face
when he is painting. One of the goals of a spray booth is to remove the
solvents and paint particulates from the face of the painter. When I measure air
veocity I do so approximately 4-6 ft (1.2 - 1.8 m) from the ground, since this
is where the painter holds the spray gun most of the time. If the painter
holds the spray gun higher up, then you can measure there too.
The rule of thumb is for the air velocity to be grater than 100 ft/min (30
m/min). In very large spray booths where the vapors do not build up
significantly the velocity can safely be dropped significantly below 100 ft/min (30
Yes, you can definitely increase the air vlocity by increasing the CMH (cfm).
Velocity (m/min)= volumetric flow rate (m^3/ surface area of filters (m^2).
Since the surface area of the filters remains constant, the velocity must
increwase as you increase the volumetric flow rate.