by Ron Joseph
January, 2005
Aged Antique Look For Cabinets
Q. I have tried everything to give my kitchen cabinets an "aged Tuscan" look.
The directions I have said to use an antiquing glaze. I did and it just looks
like dirt on the cabinet. Can you help?
I am not familiar with the "Tuscan Look". However if you are attempting
to create an antique type of an effect, then yes the use of a glaze is probably
the best approach. I am assuming that the Tuscan Look creates an aged appearance
on the surface of the wood without adding any distressing marks.
You might consider looking into using a heavy bodied stain such as a geld type
stain. They offer several more colors than is usually found in glazes.
Apply the color in the areas that you want to accent, and completely remove
the color from areas that you do not intend color to be left on the surface.
Allow the geld type stain sufficient time to dry, usually overnight. Lightly
sand the surrounding areas (areas without glaze) with a fine grit sandpaper
such as #320 grit. Remove all sanding dust, and apply a clear finish such as
a polyurethane to lock in the color and protect the cabinets.
Visit your local paint supplier, tell them about your project and ask for specific
products and application information. I am certain that they will be able to
make the required recommendations, and also offer some guidance.
When preparing any surface for the application of paints or coatings, be certain
to take precautions to protect against breathing in any air borne dust particles
or debris that may be created by the prep work.
Please be aware that paints, coatings and solvents are chemicals and therefore
you should always pay attention to proper handling procedures and be prepared
to wear protective clothing, such as respirators, gloves, coveralls, etc. For
further information on the health and safety requirements for the coatings and
solvents you wish to use we strongly advised you to contact your local coating
supplier. If possible, go the extra step and look for this information on the
website of the product vendor.
Jim Burke