Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

February, 2007

Touchup of Inorganic Zinc Primer

Q: We have recently used a ethyl silicate resin inorganic zinc primer to paint a large steel structure however, we are not able to obtain any more of this but need to touch up some areas. Can you please tell me if it is possible to use a two pak zinc epoxy primer ? (I beleive it is called Barrier Zep)  

A: I do not know Barrier Zep, but in principle you should be able to use the two pack zinc-rich epoxy primer to touch up the inorganic zinc-ruich primer. Please insure that you apply a nice wet coat of the epoxy so that it can properly adhere to the inorganic zinc.

Before you touch up the entire structure I strongly recommend that you test a small area with the epoxy and determine if adhesion between the two coats is strong.


Ron Joseph

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