by Ron Joseph
February, 2004
Particulate Emission Regulations
Q. In France, in addition to the regulation adressing VOC et toxics, every
painting unit has to emit, at the stack, less than 40 milligram per cubic meter
of dust (the standard is 100 milligram for the smaller ones). I tried to find
if such a standard exist in the US but I found nothing, even at the State level.
I would really appreciate if you could confirm that.
A. Thanks for your email. I work strictly in the Paints and Coatings field
and am not aware of any state or federal regulations that, in a generic sense
limit particulate emissions from painting operations . However, I do believe
that some paint spray booth permits might impose limits on the emissions of
Hazardous Air Pollutants, such as hexavalent chromates that are contained in
some paints. For instance, I believe that some permits in the Los Angeles area
(South Coast Air Quality Management District) might place an emission cap on
HAP compounds. In addition, you are probably aware of the EPAs work with PM10
(10 microns) and PM2.5 (2.5 microns) and the controversy that relates to EPAs
wish to lower the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM2.5.
I hope this helps.