Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

December, 2007

Refinishing a Clawfoot Bathtub

Q: What steps should I take in refinishing my clawfoot tub?  Should the tub be stripped down to the metal, as an epoxy finish was put on it about 12 years ago that peeled.  What DIY products can you recommend to do this myself?

A: Without actually seeing your tub and the condition of both the epoxy and the underlying metal, I can't be of much help. If you go online you will find several contractors who specialize in this type of remedial work. Several years ago I worked on a case involving bath tubs, and I discovered that this topic is much more complicated than I first thought. Do you intend to use the tub and fill it with hot water, or is it strictly ornamental?  If it is the former, I suggest you work with a contractor who has access to the most appropriate coatings. I don't believe that these products are available in hardware stores.


Ron Joseph

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