Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
by Ron Joseph
December, 2003
FED-STD-595 #34094
Q. I would like to duplicate this color in my CAD software so I can effectivly show a 3-D solid rendering of a military container. I can set these colors using Pro/E, but I need the R/B/G numbers to get it accurate. Do you have these or know where I may find this information?
A. To the best of knowledge the Fed Std. 696a colors are not given in R/G/B units. I haven't seen the color formulations for several years, but what I seem to remember is that the colors were given with CIE x,y,z coordinates. It is even possible that they exist in L, a, b values, and the Munsell color nomenclature.
Do you have a color chip of #34094? If so, perhaps you can try to match it by experimenting with your color printer and monitor until you get close to the specified color. Alternatively, you might call some paint vendors who make paints to this color and ask them if they can use their computer software to generate the R/G/B values. Yet another suggestion is that you contact the Gretag-Macbeth company which may well be able to help you.
Alternatively, if your have the x ,y ,z coordinates you might be able to locate
an algorithm for calculating R/G/B values.