Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

August, 2003

Removing Paint from Cast Iron

Q. I recently purchased a large cast iron paper cutter circa 1900. It has been painted multiple times and I would like to strip off the layers and repaint. Is there a recommened stripper and paint for this project?

A. There are several methods for stripping paint off the cast iron paper cutter. The one that is easiest for a lay person is to use the chemical strippers that you can purchase in a paint supply store. It is a messy procedure and it might take a few applications before you get all the old paint off, but you should be able to do the work. Please remember that when you use chemicals such as paint strippers, you should wear protective clothing and a respirator. Please follow all the instructions on the label of the can.

The other alternative is for you to take the paper cutter to a professional custom coating shop in your local area and have them remove the paint by sand blasting. Some custom coating shops also use chemicals and you can investigate who does what and how much they charge.

Again, if you choose to do the work yourself, please follow all the instructions on the label.

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