Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive

by Ron Joseph

August, 2001

Market Research for the Paints and Coatings Industry

Q. I am trying to obtain information on trends in the area of paints, coatings and the environments. What I am mainly looking for is statistical data on changes taken place in the last few years in the industry. For example VOC in paints today compare to two or three years ago, or trends in waste disposal by manufacturers and consumers, changes in the marine paint industry in regard to TBT etc. Again, what I am mostly concerned with are the numbers or statistical data, percentage changes over the last couple of years.

Any assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and best regards

A. As it happens I used to work for Plascon Paints in Johannesburg, SA in the 1970's and the owner, Abe Bloomberg was either a part or full owner of Tambour Paints. I also have seen your "colorfully painted" factory from the road going from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, or beyond. With regard to your question, there are several places you can go to for the information, but it might cost you a large sum, depending on the source.

Go to the National Paints & Coatings Association, NPCA website. Unfortunately, you need to be a member of the association to get information from them, and I'm not sure if foreign companies can join. Also, try the Federation of Societies of Coatings Technologies for information. You might be able to get information from the Chemical Marketing Reporter which publishes a detailed report annually on trends in the Paints & Coatings Industry. Look up the Klein or Kline Reports. This is a consulting firm that conducts marketing studies and does also cover the paints and Coatings industry. I don't know how to contact them, but with a little effort on the web you should find them. Finally, send emails to two of my colleagues, David P. Nick at and Phil Philips Both should be able to lead you in the right direction. Could you please let me know where you finally get the information you are looking for? I would like to publish this on the PCRC web page.

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