Plain English Guide to Regulations
Wastewater Discharges

Baseline Monitoring Reports

BMR Due Dates
Section 403.12(b) requires that BMRs be submitted to the Control Authority within 180 days after the effective data of a Categorical Pretreatment Standard or 180 days after the final administrative decision made upon a category determination request [403.6(a)(4)], whichever is later.

BMR Content
A BMR must contain the following information:

  1. Name and address of the facility, including names of operator(s) and owner(s).
  2. List of all environmental control permits held by or for the facility.
  3. Brief description of the nature, average production rate and SIC code for each of the operation(s) conducted, including a schematic process diagram which indicates points of discharge from the regulated processes to the POTW.
  4. Flow measurement information for regulated process streams discharged to the municipal system. Flow measurements of other wastestreams will be necessary if application of the combined wastestream formula is necessary.
  5. Identification of the pretreatment standards applicable to each regulated process and results of measurements of pollutant concentrations and/or mass.
  6. Statement of certification concerning compliance or noncompliance with the Pretreatment Standards.
  7. If not in compliance, a compliance schedule must be submitted with the BMR that describes the actions the user will take and a timetable for completing those actions to achieve compliance with the standard.
BMR Reporting of Toxic Organics
For routine compliance monitoring, not BMR monitoring, the regulations allow for the industrial user to certify that the regulated toxic organics are not used at the facility or to present a plan demonstrating appropriate controls to prevent organic compounds from entering the wastestream. Even if the industrial user expects to use the certification procedure to demonstrate regular compliance with the TTO limitation, the user must still sample and analyze for any toxic organic "reasonably expected to be present" for the purposes of the baseline monitoring report. If no toxic organics are used or expected to be discharged, then no TTO monitoring is required for the BMR.

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