Plain Language Guide to Regulations
Solid/Hazardous Waste Management
Obtaining an EPA Identification Number
RCRA regulations require Small Quantity Generators (SQG) and Large Quantity Generators (LQG) to obtain an EPA identification number. Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG) are exempt. EPA and states use these 12-character numbers to monitor and track hazardous waste activities. You will need to use your identification number when you send waste off site to be managed.
To obtain an EPA ID number, you should:
Call or write your state hazardous waste management agency or the hazardous waste division of your EPA Regional office (locate phone numbers HERE) and ask for a copy of EPA Form 8700-12, "Notification of Hazardous Waste Activity." (State offices can be found using the State Agency Locator). You will be sent a booklet that contains a form with instructions and those portions of the regulations that will help you identify your waste. (Note: A few states use a form that is different from the federal form. Your state agency will send you the appropriate form to complete.)
Fill in the form. To complete Item IX of the form, you will need to identify your hazardous waste by its EPA Hazardous Waste Code. For a complete list of waste codes, you should consult 40 CFR Part 261, or call your state or regional EPA office or the RCRA Hotline (800-424-9346 or in the Washington DC area call 703-412-9810). The form you receive from your state might contain an additional sheet that provides more space for waste codes. Complete one copy of the form for each business site where you generate or handle hazardous waste. Each site will receive its own EPA Identification Number. Make sure you sign the certification in Item X.
Send the completed form to your state hazardous waste contact. This address is listed in the information booklet that you will receive with the form.
EPA records the information on the form and assigns an EPA Identification Number to the site identified on your form. The EPA number stays with the property when ownership changes. If you move your business, you must notify EPA or the state of your new location and submit a new form. If another business previously handled hazardous waste at this location and obtained an EPA Identification Number, you will be assigned the same number after you have notified EPA that you have moved to this location. Otherwise, EPA will assign you a new identification number.