Air Emissions: How to Comply

The basis of most air pollution regulations is the Clean Air Act (CCA) and it's amendments, including the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAA) of 1990. Some CAA regulations that specifically affect coating operations already exist and other regulations are under development. Both the existing and the future rules are covered by this regulatory tool.

The CAA is a federal law that has provisions for transferring responsibility for permitting and enforcement to state environmental agencies. As a result, most states have implemented air pollution control programs. Not all of the state programs are fully authorized to carry out all aspects of the CAA. As a result, coating operations in some states may need to comply with both state and federal rules. Also, within some states, there are regional authorities, usually termed air quality districts, that administer air regulations. Click HERE to access information about specific state air pollution control programs. Check with your state agency to determine exactly which agency you need to work with.

Of particular importance to coating operations are several types of federal standards that are referred to as:

These regulations limit emissions from particular types of coating operations, such as those coating metal furniture, miscellaneous metal parts, plastic parts, and large appliances. Some of these regulations are already in place and others are under development. Coating facilities affected by these regulations may need to obtain permits, control and monitor air emissions, and submit reports. Click HERE for a complete list of coating categories that are affected by these types of regulations and the status of the regulations.

For information about permits for coating operations, click HERE.

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